CONNECT to end Violence is a program of Martha's Vineyard Community Services that provides 24-hour free and confidential services to survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
Office Phone: 508-684-8074
24 Hour Hotline: 508-696-SAFE (7233)
They are located across the street from Sharky's at 261 Upper Main Street in Edgartown.

Vineyard House provides housing for Island men and women in need of a safe structured living environment while they are in the early stages of recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. In 2014 we moved into a new specially designed sober living community with separate houses for men and women, an administration building, and 12 step meeting rooms to provide the support residents need while renewing responsibilities to themselves, their families and the community.
A call to the Vineyard House office is the first step (508) 693-8580. We hope to hear from you.

New Paths is a structured outpatient addiction program for adults who seek alcohol, drug and behavioral addictions recovery and who may also experience co-occurring mental health disorders. New Paths begins with a philosophy that everyone can reach their recovery goals. The program offers daily structured groups, individual sessions, family education sessions and psychiatric services.

We put behavioral health front and center, providing assistance to people with substance abuse issues, addictions, eating disorders, and mental health concerns. Every facility in the Advanced Recovery Systems network strives to provide the highest quality of care, using evidence-based therapeutic models that really work.

The Department of Children and Families has worked diligently to build a strong system for protecting children and families across the Commonwealth.
Recent enhancements include hiring more than 550 new employees in 2014 and distributing nearly 2,400 iPads to help social workers access case information remotely and report information on families more efficiently.

The Internal Revenue Service today issued another strong warning for consumers to guard against sophisticated and aggressive phone scams targeting taxpayers, including recent immigrants, as reported incidents of this crime continue to rise nationwide. These scams won’t likely end with the filing season so the IRS urges everyone to remain on guard.
The IRS will always send taxpayers a written notification of any tax due via the U.S. mail. The IRS never asks for credit card, debit card or prepaid card information over the telephone.

Scam artists in the U.S. and around the world defraud millions of people each year by using the Internet to trick victims into sending money or giving out personal information.
Internet crime schemes target victims using various methods:
Internet auction fraud
Credit card fraud
Investment fraud
Nigerian letter or "419" fraud